Omnium Caesarum verissimae imagines ex antiquis numismatis desumptae : addita per brevi cuiusque vitae descriptiones ac diligenti eorum, quae reperiri potuerunt numismatum, aversae partis delineatione. Libri primi / Aenevs Vicus Parm. F., Anno MDLIIII.

Accession number: 
PML 1661.1
Vico, Enea, 1523-1567, engraver.
[Venice] : [Paolo Manuzio], [1554]
Purchased with the Toovey collection, 1899.
62 leaves (engraved t.p. + 46 leaves of engraved plates and 14 leaves of text) ; (4to)

Contents of copies varies. Some copies have an index. No. of pages used for plates varies depending upon whether or not versos were used.
Engraved t.p. included in count of plates as are 12 engraved historiated full page cartouches with portraits of the Caesars and details of their persons. 72 p. of numismatics plates are included in this ed.
Includes index.
Printed by Paolo Manuzio. Cf. Renouard. He calls it a reimpression of the first edition of 1553.
Signatures a-d⁴ are index. The main text is without pagination or signatures; printed in italics.
Text by Antonio Zantani who has also written two notes to readers. Dedication to Pope Julius III is by Vico.
Translation and 2nd ed. of: Le imagini con tutti riversi trovati et le vite de gli imperatori tratte dalle historie de gli antichi. Libro primo. 1548. Translation first published 1553.

Light brown morocco over pasteboard (23 x 17 cm), gold-tooled, onlays of red, light and dark green, and dark brown morocco in the design of a terminus surrounded by arabesque ornaments, by the King's Binder, Geneva, about 1560. Arabesque pattern on spine; gilt edges.
Georg Sigismund Prakschicky von Zastrisel (1582-1614, Moravian noble active in Geneva), inscription and painted armorial of John Ruthven, 3rd Earl of Gowrie (1578?-1600) commemorating visit with Zastrisel, dated 7 March 1598/99, "In gratia[m] gen[erosissi]mi et nobil[issi]mi D[omi]ni D. Georgij Sigismu[n]do P. a Zastrisel Joannes Ruthven Comes de Gourye, Scotus, scribeba[m] Geneuae, die Mart. 7. An[no] D[omini] 1598" (front endleaf 2r); Petřvald family of Moravia, armorial bookplate with motto "Candore et Vigilantia" (front pastedown), likely through inheritance: Georg Sigimund's daughter, Kunhuta Kateřina (1603-1654) married Bernard Diviš Petřvald (1590-1644); Archibald Acheson, Earl of Gosford (1806-1864), armorial booklabel and shelfmark: A4 (front pastedown), purchased from Bohn in 1834, entire library purchased in 1878 by: James Toovey (1814-1893), through inheritance to his son: Charles J. Toovey (1848-1925), Burnham Abbey booklabel (front pastedown), entire library purchased by: Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913), purchased with the Toovey collection, 1899.