Jesu Christi, D. N. Novu[m] Testamentu[m], Gr. & Lat. / Theodoro Beza interprete. Addit[a]e sunt ab eode[m] summae breves doctrin[a]e unoquoque Evangelioru[m] & Actorum loco co[m]prehensae. Item, Methodi Apostolicaru[m] epistolarum brevis explicatio. Huic autem tertiae editioni, praeter quorundam locorum recognitionem, accesserunt breves difficiliorum phras[o]n expositiones, & aliae quaedam annotatiunculae, cum ex maioribus ipsius Bezae annotationibus, tum aliunde excerptae; opera eorum qui in [t]ypographi epistola nominantur.

Accession number: 
PML 20875
Uniform title: 
Bible. New Testament. Greek. Bèze. 1580.
[Genevae : Henri Estienne], Anno M. D. LXXX [1580]
1 v.

Printed in three parallel columns: the Greek text in the center accompanied by the new translation of Beza in Roman type in outside margins an the Vulgate translation in italic type in inside margins. Marginal notes and references.
Printer's device on t.p.; headpieces, initials.
Some of the annotations were compiled from the commentary of L'Oyseleur, seigneur de Villers.

Brown morocco tooled and gilt in the style of Henri III bindings by Nicolas Eve?
On recto in oval is the name Gabriel Quietus Rupel (of La Rochelle); on verso D. Suo Richardo Clemencau. D. Med., perhaps an ancestor of G. Clemenceau.