Paul Helleu

When French artist Paul-César Helleu visited New York in 1912–13, his chief task was to design
Grand Central Terminal’s original ceiling decoration. He also drew several portraits of women. His portrait of Belle Greene, which whitewashes her to an extent, may not capture her likeness, but it evokes her fashion sense, showing her in a plumed hat. Helleu described the image for the New York Times: “Here is a typical American! . . . Miss Belle Greene, Librarian of Mr. Pierpont Morgan. Ha!—Librarian, eh?—that is funny to a Frenchman. In France, we have no bibliothequaires—female Librarians—no, never! Perfectly American.” Greene largely disparaged the drawing, remarking that it had “1% of Belle Greene and 99 of Paul Helleu.”

BG to BB, 12/6/12 (218): “Paul Helleu is doing a sketch of me – I’ll send you one when finished if they are of any value”

BG to BB, 12/31/12 (221): “Helleu did a fascinating red chalk of me but refuses to give it up – he will do the etching so soon as J. P. goes – I lunched with him yesterday à deux – at the Ritz and found him light and airy and graceful in his talk – very Chaeufogny but – harmless”

BG to BB, 1/16/13 (223): “when you go to Paris, get Helleu to show you his drawing of me – It has a good quality (in spots) He is quite struck on it himself and would not give it to me – He gave me one that he did very rapidly which has 1% of Belle Greene and 99 of Paul Helleu – ‘Tis a poor thing indeed – and you will be disgusted when you see it – and I beg you will not think it expresses me”

Paul Helleu, 1912–13: "J’ai pu exécuter soixante-deux pastels, gravures et dessins. Dans la famille Gould seule, j’ai fait cinq portraits et je rapporte en France toute une séries de pastels, entre autres [...] de Mademoiselle Greene.” (I was able to execute sixty-two pastels, engravings and drawings. In the Gould family alone, I made five portraits and I brought back to France a whole series of pastels, among others [...] of Mademoiselle Greene.)

Paul Helleu (1859–1927)
Belle da Costa Greene, 1913
Black, white, and red chalk on paper
The Morgan Library & Museum; 1950.12. Bequest of Belle da Costa Greene, 1950.