Chicago Daily Tribune

While the image of Belle Greene reaching for books is a fictional construction, the photograph of her in this article derives from one of the Theodore Marceau images (Belle da Costa Greene (seated)). Belle Greene overhead two men discussing a magazine reproduction of this article in 1914 and was disgusted by their conversation and the publicity about her.

BG to BB, 1/5/14 (371; likely reference to a reprint of this article in Form magazine): "It does make me sick – this damned newspaper publicity The other day sitting outside of the dining room for coffee at the Ritz, was a man with an open magazine in his hand – He was seated next to me, but not in our party – and I paid no attention to him naturally, nor should have, had I not heard him say to a man with him – “Morgan said she was the cleverest woman he ever met – I don’t think she’s much on looks do you? – Well I naturally pulled up my ears and turned to see the magazine & of whom he was gossiping when lo and behold my own portrait stared straight at me – I was furious! It was a thing called Form which I never heard of in my whole life before. It's really too disgusting to be discussed in the foyer of an hotel just as if one were an actorine."

“‘The Cleverest Girl I Know,’ Says J. Pierpont Morgan,” Chicago Daily Tribune, August 11, 1912