Literary and Historical Manuscripts

" Well, look at it this way. How deeply in love are you?" : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Darrow, Whitney, 1909-1999.
MA 12850

"'Big fish eat little fish.' I like that." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Farris, Joseph.
MA 12214

"'Born in conservation' if you don't mind. 'Captivity' has negative connotations." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Handelsman, J. B.
MA 11574

"'Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?' 'And then some!'" : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Dedini, Eldon, 1921-2006.
MA 11762

"'Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors'? I don't know. I wish he would modify his position on that a little." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Fradon, Dana.
MA 12830

"'Genius' is an overused word, Berringer, but in this case nothing else fits." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Lorenz, Lee.
MA 12347

"'Honesty is the best policy'. O.K.! Now what's the second-best policy?" : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Fradon, Dana.
MA 12335

"'Hope that little mouse from the 10th floor shows up.' 'If I'd known Marcia woulda worn her blue taffeta' ... " : cartoon for Fortune magazine [drawing].

Cobean, Samuel E., 1913-1951.
MA 12688

"'I don't get it.' 'You never get it.'" : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Mankoff, Robert.
MA 11711

"'Look What I've Got,' please." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Shermund, Barbara, 1899-1978.
MA 12567