Glyptotek Drawings [20]

Jim Dine
(b. 1935)

Glyptotek Drawings [20]

Charcoal and india ink on plastic sheet
17 x 10 3/4 inches
Item description: 

In 1979 Dine said, "I'm looking more at ancient art now, because I'm trying to understand sculpture." In the present work, Dine stressed the dialogue between sculpture and drawing by scratching into the drawing's surface. This subtractive process is particularly evident in the drapery folds that define the figure.

This drawing was inspired by a sculpture commonly referred to as the Dresden Maenad, in the collection of the Skulpturensammlung Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden, Germany. A term for a female follower of Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, Maenads are often depicted dancing or in a state of divine frenzy. This drawing is remarkable for its dramatic perspective and sense of movement, established by the low point of view and the figure twisting towards us.


Photograph courtesy of The Pace Gallery.
© 2011 Jim Dine / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York