Historiated initials

Epitome Princip. Venet. Bernardo Georgio. P.V. Auctore.

Giorgio, Bernardo, 16th cent.
Venetiis : [apud Aldi filios], [1547]
PML 1354

Heures presentées a Madame la dauphine / par Theodore de Hansy libraire à Paris...

[Paris : Théodore de Hansy, 1740?]
PML 15505

Missale monasticum s[ecundu]m more[m] [et] ritu[m] Casinensis congregationis : al[ia]s s[an]cte Iustine cum multis missis de novo additis.

[Venice : Luca-Antonio Giunta, 3 April 1515]
PML 1469
England, 15th century.
MS B.54
Tuscany, Italy, 15th century.
MS B.52

France, ca. 1400.
MS G.3

Bologna, Italy, ca. 1270.
MS G.38

France, possibly Paris, between 1250 and 1275.
MS G.15
France, probably Paris, between 1225 and 1275.
MS G.11
Belgium, possibly Tournai, ca. 1270.
MS G.64