"The classification of 1069 as Cypriote rests on far less certain grounds. The modeling of the animals and monsters is comparable to that in the best products of Syrian glyptic. However, no seals that are definitely classifiable in the second Syrian group present a field similarly filled with animals. Small details indicating that the seal does not belong to the unadulterated Syrian style include the posture of one of the lions, which is raising its hind leg iwth a freedom of movement associated wih Aegean ratherthan wit west-Asiatic art, and the ring in the field, an element that never appears in truly Syrian seals, though it is often seen in Aegean pieces. While it may be doubted that the seal is of Syrian origin, there is still a question as to whether it was made in Cyprus or on one of the Aegean islands."--Porada, CANES, p. 149
Cylinder damaged.
Lion with raised hind leg attacking griffin with leonine body whose contorted neck is under paws of second rearing lion--griffin's head, reversed, appearing under second lion's belly -- Under griffin's fore paws, fish -- Above first lion, sphinx; above second lion, parts of animal bodies, animal head, bird -- In field: two rings; two leaflike designs.