"In 1027, the chief Syrian elements are the thick borders of the mantles worn by the seated figure and by the worshiper, and the stand with loaves, which may be an abbreviated rendering of the stand between two banqueting figures in Syrian seals like 946. ,,, The gesture of the god thrusting a spear into the ground in 1027 is paralleled in Nuzi 663. Furthermore, the faces of the figures with accentuated nose and eye, and often no chin, conform more with faces in Nuzi impressions such as Nuzi 637 than with those of purely Syrian designs."--Porada, CANES, p. 143
Cylinder scratched.
Enthroned goddess with vase facing worshiper, stand iwth loaves between them -- God with spear, in ascending posture. In sky, sun disk in crescent, rosette.