Goddess with cup facing figure with tall oval headgear

between 1350 B.C. and 1200 B.C.
20 x 9 mm
Morgan Seal 1025
Acquired by Pierpont Morgan sometime between 1885 and 1908.

"Seal 1025 shows a translation into Mitannian style of figures that are even more characteristically Syrian--a goddess with square miter and a figure with oval cap much as in 973, as well as a weather god with mace, snake, and ax as in 964. The tree and the rosette, however, are typically Mitannian."--Porada, CANES, p. 142


Goddess with cup facing figure with tall oval headgear, between them rosette and star above tree -- God holding snake, ax, and mace, squatting monkey before him, scorpion behind him.
