Worshiper carrying kid before god with lightning fork and rein of bull

between 1500 B.C. and 1350 B.C.
20 x 8 mm
Morgan Seal 1012
Acquired by Pierpont Morgan sometime between 1885 and 1908.

"Seals 1011 and 1012 present the figure of a weather god renderd much as he appears in Old Babylonian seals like 510-513. The two crossed bulls on which th second deity stands in 1011 are unquestionably north-Mesopotamian, for crossed animals occur frequently in Nuzi impressions, as in Nuzi 234-327. In both 1012 and 1013 there is a figure holding a rod with balls, an object very frequently depicted in this type of cylinder. It probably derives from Old Babylonian glyptic, in which it occurs toward the end of the period of the First Dynasty of Babylon, though it also appears in cylinders of the time of the Third Dynasty of Ur."--Porada, CANES, p. 140


Worshiper carrying kid before god who holds in one hand lightning fork and rein of bull on which he places foot, while brandishing indeterminate weapon in other hand -- Second worshiper before deity who holds rod with balls and ascends mountain, between them vessel above ball staff.
