Two figures with oval headgear and nude goddess with opened veil

between 1600 B.C. and 1350 B.C.
27 x 14 mm
Morgan Seal 989
Acquired by Pierpont Morgan sometime between 1885 and 1908.

"The theme of 989--a figure with oval headgear at either side of a nude goddess--is perhaps to be associated with that of 944, in which, however, there is only one figure with oval headgear holding a crook, or with that of 968, in which the goddess is partly veiled and the second male figure is that of a weather god."--Porada, CANES, p. 134


Two figures with oval headgear, one at either side of nude goddess with opened veil -- Above her, crescent, winged sun disk, and star -- In field: triple-ringed cup; antelope head -- Terminal: two facing seated griffins, guilloche, row of four marching men, one above other.
