Goddess with crescent scepter, worshiper, god with axe, and god with lightning fork

between 2000 B.C. and 1750 B.C.
22.5 x 12 mm
Morgan Seal 869
Acquired by Pierpont Morgan sometime between 1885 and 1908.

"One or more worshipers standing with or without interceding deities before a god constitute the most frequent subject in the present group. This theme is common in Old Babylonian glyptic. Moreover, a number of the gods represented here are characterized by the same emblems as those in Old Babylonian cylinders. ... In addition to portraying gods that may be referred to Old Babylonian prototypes, the seals of this group depict gods for whom no exact parallels exist in Old Babylonian designs; among these are the weather god brandishing a weapon (867-871, 881) ..."--Porada, CANES, p. 109-110


Goddess with crescent scepter following worshiper, both facing god in ascending posture with ax in hand who is accompanied by second god in ascending posture, holding lightning fork and brandishing unidentifiable weapon -- Two ball staves in field.
