War god and suppliant goddess

between 1894 B.C. and 1595 B.C.
26 x 14 mm
Morgan Seal 380
Acquired by Pierpont Morgan sometime between 1885 and 1908.

"The god holding a scimitar ending in the head of a lion (380) is held to portray Nergal, god of the nether world. This identification is based mainly on the inscription glorifying Nergal that here accompanies the figure. Inscriptions as specific and lengthy as this one are infrequent on seals of the First Dynasty of Babylon, and it is therefore highly probable that in 380 the figure stands for the god to whom the inscription pertains. Moreover, the presence of a lion-headed monster in the scene seems to confirm the identification, since this creature always appears as an assailant of human figures or animals, and, as has been suggested in relation to contest scenes (p. 44), probably represents one of Nergal's destructive minions." Porada, CANES, p. 47


"God in ascending posture holding lion scimitar and facing suppliant goddess -- Lion-demon lifting small goat while standing above bowlegged dwarf -- Terminal: inscription." Porada, CANES, p. 47

Southern Mesopotamia.