Bull-man and hero wrestling, and suppliant goddess and worshiper before enthroned deified king or god holding cup

between 2000 B.C. and 1800 B.C.
21 x 12 mm
Morgan Seal 301
Acquired by Pierpont Morgan sometime between 1885 and 1908.

"Seals 296-305 depict worship of a figure rendered like the deified kings of the Third Dynasty of Ur, with the difference that the figure is now often seated on a temple throne, earlier reserved for gods of the pantheon. Consequently the figure may here represent not a deified king but a major deity... Classification of this seal as belonging to the Isin-Larsa period is based on the fact that the king or god is seated on a temple throne. However, the contestants, as well as the suppliant goddess, are figures usually found on seals of the fully developed style of the First Dynasty of Babylon. The seal may therefore be of later origin."--Porada, CANES, p. 37-38


Bull-man and hero wrestling -- Suppliant goddess and worshiper before enthroned deified king or god holding cup -- In field: inscription; crescent (before seated figure).

Southern Mesopotamia.