Cylinder damaged.
"Among the mythological figures on Akkad seals, the most frequent is the sun god, Shamash. One of the distinctive settings in which this god appears is found in 178-186. The god, identified by his saw and usually by rays emanating from his shoulders, is shown in ascending posture either between two mountains, placing his foot on one and resting his hand on the other, or beside a single mountain on which he steps while resting his hand on a mace. Before him attendants throw open the gates of heaven... The motif of a sun god with his attendants is sometimes enlarged by the addition of other deities. [Cf.] 184, in which a figure possibly representing a divine dancer stands at the right. Worshipers are sometimes found on seals featuring the ascending sun god, as in 184." Porada, CANES, p. 24
Worshipper carrying kid before sun god with rays ascending between two mountains -- Gate opened by attendant -- Bearded dancer holding small objects in upraised hands.