Contest frieze with fleece-kilted hero, feline, gazelles, and lions

ca. 2400 B.C.
white marble
27.5 x 18 mm
Morgan Seal 86
Acquired by Pierpont Morgan sometime between 1885 and 1908.

"heroes wearing short,usually fleeced skirts do not occur on any of the royal seals of the period. THe classification of 85-90 is therefore less certain than that of the seals just discussed, since our only dating criterion is provided by the rather cursory rendering of the animals. This rendering conforms in general with that of the animal forms on Ur 216, the seal of Ninturnin, wife of King Mesannipadda,who appears to have ruled in Ur a little earlier than the time of the reign of Lugalanda in Lagash." Porada, CANES, p. 13


Fleece-kilted hero with dagger attacking feline that menaces one of two gazelles clutched by crossed lions -- Terminal: crescent and drilling above two larger drillings and two incisions.

Southern Mesopotamia.