Teen Workshop | Archive Detectives: Belle da Costa Greene

Thursday March 13, 2025, 4:30–6 PM

Tickets: Free; limited availability, advance registration is required.

Teens, visit the Morgan Library & Museum to discover how you can use primary sources to explore a subject and make surprising discoveries through the detective work of reading old letters and files, conducting archival research, and using primary sources. Learn how you can apply archival skills to a project of your own! Participants are encouraged to bring a cell phone or digital camera for the workshop. Morgan iPads will be available for any participant without a camera.

This program is intended only for teens aged 15 to 19 years.

Please e-mail schools@themorgan.org with questions about accessibility or for more information about the program.

New York Public LibraryWant to know more about careers in libraries? The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library is hosting "College and Career Pathways: Libraries for Life! Teen Career Panel" on Thursday, March 6, 2025, 4:30–6 PM.

Photography by Filip Wolak

Please call (212) 685-0008 ext. 560 or e-mail tickets@themorgan.org for information.