Pizarro comtemplating over the product of his new peruvian mine - / Js. Gillray, inv: & ft.

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James Gillray
Pizarro comtemplating over the product of his new peruvian mine - / Js. Gillray, inv: & ft.
etching, hand colored
image: 336 x 253 mm; plate mark: 363 x 261 mm; sheet: 373 x 272 mm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 3081
[London] : Pubd. June 4th 1799. by Humphrey, 27 St James's Street, [1799]
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

"A satire on the success of 'Pizarro', Sheridan's melodramatic adaptation of Kotzebue's drama, first played 24 May 1799. This was largely due to the patriotic speech by Rolla".--Curator's comments, British Museum online catalog.


Sheridan stands on the stage dressed as Pizarro (played by Barrymore), gloating over guineas with which his helmet is filled. On the right is a flat consisting of a palm-tree with golden fruit, on the left columns wreathed with roses and decorated with theatrical emblems: tragic masks and spirals of cupids who blow Fame's trumpet, each holding a placard: 'Oracle Puff p ..'; 'Morning Chronicle Puff Puff Puff'; 'Morning Herald Puff' [&c, &c]; 'Courier' [&c, &c, cf. BMSat 9194]; 'Times' [&c, &c.]. In the background is mountain scenery with the mouth of the cave. Below the title: "Honor? Reputation? a mere Bubble! - will the praises of posterity charm my bones in the Grave? - 'psha! - my present \ "purpose is all! - O, Gold! Gold! for thee, I would sell my native Spain, as freely as I would plunder Peru." Cf. British Museum online catalog.

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