Printed paper showing upper and lower case alphabets, syllabary, and Lord's Prayer.
Roman letters printed on paper, under horn, tacked to wooden base by narrow metal strips as frame. Nails at corners and center of strips. The text is printed within an ornamental type frame and using the long s and compound st. The back has a heavily worn impression of rider (Charles I on horseback) and CR below crown at upper left.
Similar to the one shown in Tuer as no. 141. The Morgan copy brass bands and tacks are quite old, the the back quite worn, but a neat, modern, handwritten note reading "Tuer's 'History of the Horn Book' See End of Vol. II" with the monogram WAT has been wrapped around the handle. In spirit it is like the modern facsimile issued witih Tuer's history.
Dated from Tuer's "late period."
Plan your visit. 225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Plan your visit. 225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016.
+Aabcdefghijklmnopq [realia]
Accession number:
PML 84667
[England : 19th century]
10.5 x 5.8 cm
Gift of The Lilly Library, 1983.
Brown (brick red?) paper over wood; stamped with design of Charles I on horseback. Laid in folder.
Elisabeth Ball duplicate.
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