Title supplied by cataloger.
A reversed copy(?) of a print made by Anthonie de Later and published by Joannes de Ram, ca. 1650, with caption in Dutch reading: Daer de geck inde mou is alst hier mach blycken / kan hy hem qualyck houden sonder wt te kycken. Cf. BM no. 1873,0809.1463.
Mounted as item 80 in an album of collected prints, broadsides, drawings, and miscellaneous single sheet items, assembled by former owner J. Ames and entitled "Emblematical and satirical prints on persons and professions" (PML 145850).
Engraving signed with the initials "CW" at lower left.
Print of a fool, shown half length, wearing a belled tunic with a jester-headed bauble held in the crook of his upper arm at right.