Subtitle: Regiones peregrinas pleri[que], alij alias, sumptu ingenti, studio indefesso, nec sine discrimine uitae nonnunquam, adierunt, ut simplicium materiae cognoscendae facultatem compararent sibi : eam tibi materiam uniuersam summo & impensarum & temporis compendio, procul discrimine omni, tanquam in uiuo iucundissimo[que] uiridario, magna cum uoluptate, hinc cognoscere licebit.
Cuts by V.R. Specklin from drawings by H. Füllmaurer and A. Meyer.
With ports. of the author, the designers, and the engraver (leaf fff5r). Probably the first book which contains not only the names, but also the ports. of its illustrators. Cf. Becher; cf. Klebs. A catalogue of early herbals. 1925, no. 72.
Printer's device with motto "Palma Ising" on title page and final blank verso.