Letter from Dorothy Wordsworth, Coleorton, to Lady Beaumont, 1806 December 23 : autograph manuscript signed.

This letter was formerly identified as MA 1581 (Wordsworth) 20.
This letter is from a large collection of letters written to Sir George Howland Beaumont (1753-1827) and Lady Margaret Willes Beaumont (1758-1829) of Coleorton Hall and to other members of the Beaumont family. See collection-level record for more information (MA 1581.1-297).
Address panel with postmarks to "Lady Beaumont / Dunmow / Essex."
Telling Lady Beaumont that Coleridge and Hartley arrived and that both seemed very well, but adding that the cough Wordsworth's children have, which she thought was not whooping cough, now is and they are worried about Hartley getting it; wondering what her and Sir George's opinions are of Wordsworth's plan for the Winter Garden; saying that Coleridge likes the plan but has some doubts about the fountain; including, mid-page, a pen and ink sketch of the layout of the garden with paths and plants labeled; saying that all of the family, except the children, have gone to Grace Dieu; asking where she would like them to set up the new bed for Mr. Dance and asking her to tell Mr. Dance that they would be happy for him to "take his dinner with us: you know we have your wine to set before him;" saying they will drink to her health on Christmas Day; adding, in a postscript, that Coleridge had intended to write to her or to Sir George but he left for Grace Dieu.