May fashions, or, Hints for a four in hand exhibition
Print published in Town talk, v. 4, 1813.
A satire upon the members of London's Four-in-hand Club.
Print shows a procession of coaches through 'Cavendish Square'. The foremost coach (right) has a roof shaped like a Chinese pagoda and decorated with bells; on the apex is a seat occupied by an ape, dressed as a man, who rings a handbell and blows a horn. Bells are attached to the springs of the coach. The arms, surmounted by a coronet, are crossed whips, the crest a fool's head. A man seated on the box turns to the driver to say: "No bad scheme of Sr Harry's to get the Amateur [Coates] to perform today! tolerable attendance." The driver wears a conical hat with a vast brim, manifold capes, and a large nosegay, with top-boots. Two servants sit in the rumble; one points to the ape, saying, "What do you think Tom of our new fellow Servant! did Master get him from Bond Street." The other answers: "Oh No! hes not one of the Loungers Master had him from Exeter Change [menagerie] he has been well educated you see." The second equipage is the odd-shaped curricle of 'Romeo' Coates, drawn by four horses, whose harness, like the curricle, is decorated with cocks. He is dressed as Lothario, with three huge feathers towering from his hat. He says: "I scorn that odious uniform which would hide the graces of my form and those detestable boots would spoil a most delectable leg!--Bless us! how we draw, out of the theatre as well as in." The following coach is on the extreme left; its roof is a four-sided pinnacle topped with a spike; the driver is dressed like the man on the first coach. He says (of Coates): "I'll back him to spar with Molineaux at St Martins Court for the benefit of Carter." The man beside him answers: "Aye my Lord! or I'll take the chance of the day for my debt, and remove the execution from your carriage and horses." A man on horseback in the background shouts: "your lordship had better take the Opera House, as it will be for a charitable purpose." The road is crowded with spectators many of whom wave their hats. Tiny coaches proceed along the Square from right to left, to join the procession. In the foreground is a row of well-dressed spectators in back view. Shouts rise from the distant crowd: "The Hobbies! The Hobbies"; "Cock a-doodle do"; "The Monologue"; "Bravo Romeo." On the extreme right is the gilt equestrian statue of the Duke of Cumberland, erected in 1770.