Psalterii ordo iuxta ritum quem nunc romana servat ecclesia.
Collation: [1]⁶; a-c¹⁰ d-z [et] [con]⁸ [rum] ā b'¹⁰ c̄⁸; aa¹⁰ bb-oo⁸ pp¹⁰; A-B⁸ C⁶ D⁸: 404 leaves.
Colophon (leaf D8r): Hui[us] op[er]is corrector extitit Georgi[us] d[e] spathariis p[re]sbyt[er]o[rum] minim[us]: i[m]p[re]ssor vero Nicolaus jenson gallicus: hac n[ost]ra te[m]pestate imp[re]sso[rum] pri[n]ceps: Q[uo]d q[ui]de[m] op[us] i[m]pressu[m] in flore[n]tissima urbe venetia[rum] est. Anno d[omi]ni .M.cccclxxviii. Sisto .iiii. po[n]ti[fice] max[ime] rome Petri sede[ns] rege[n]te. Andrea ve[n]dramino i[n]clyto principe venetiis pri[n]cipante.
Corrected by Georgius de Spathariis.
For variant states see Pellechet and BMC. Some copies have a further 28 leaves continuing the quire signatures (E-F¹⁰ G⁸) with 'officia que prius deficiebant' (A. Petrucciani, Incunaboli Durazzo (1988) 94; H. Kostanecka, 50 Inkunabulów w bibliotece imienia Zielinskich Towarzystwa Naukowego Płockiego (1985), 16 and Tabl. viii).
Paper format: Median folio
PML copy leaf dimensions: 32.8 x 22.8 cm
PML copy on vellum.
Printed in types 2:84G, 5:93G, 7:150G, 8:93G, and 9:50G.
Rubrics printed in red.
Title from incipit (leaf a1r): Individue trinitatis nomine invocato. Psalterii ordo iuxta ritum quem nunc romana servat ecclesia incipit.
Breviarium Romanum
Hand decoration: Northern Italian (Venice?) historiated and illuminated initials and foliate borders (leaves a1r, aa1r, and A1r), alternating red and blue initials with blue and red filiegree penwork, and yellow capital strokes. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.