Book of hours

Ms. book of hours for the use of Rome, written and illuminated in Burgundy, France, ca. 1480s.
This is one of the finest and most imaginative of the works by the Master of the Burgundian Prelates.
The Astor collection apparently had two important Books of Hours illuminated by the Master of the Burgundian Prelates. The present manuscript (MS A.14) and a second one (MS A.18) that was sold in London, Sotheby's, 1 December 1987, lot 46 (this sale had seven Astor manuscripts: lots 45 to 51); after the sale, Astor MS A.18 was dismembered.
Collation: 1-3⁶, 4-16⁸, 17³ (of 6, iii + vi cancelled blanks)
Contents: Calendar (fols. 2-13v), Gospel Lessons (14-19v), Hours of the Virgin (20-75), Hours of the Cross (75v-79), Hours of the Holy Spirit (79v-83), Penitential Psalms and Litany (84-107v), Office of the Dead (108-125).
Illuminations: 14 full-page miniatures and 3 historiated initials.
Artist: Master of the Burgundian Prelates.
List of illustrations: The following are full-page except for the three evangelists after John, which are historiated initials: John on Patmos, with the Destruction of Diana's Temple and John Turning Sticks and Stones into Gold and Jewels (fol. 14); Luke (15v); Matthew (17); Mark (18v); Annunciation, with Temptation of Adam and Eve and Gideon with the Fleece (20); Visitation, with the Marriage of the Virgin (33v); Nativity, with Moses and the Burning Bush and the Flowering of Aaron's Rod (48); Annunciation to the Shepherds (53); Adoration of the Magi, with Abner before David and the Queen of Sheba before Solomon (57v); Presentation in the Temple, with the Firstborn Presented in Order to be Brought Back and Anna's Presentation of Samuel (61v); Flight into Egypt, with Isaac with Esau and Jacob's Departure from Rebecca (65v); Coronation of the Virgin (72); Crucifixion, with Sacrifice of Isaac and Moses and the Brazen Serpent (75v); Pentecost, with Moses Receiving the Law and the Acceptance of Elijah's Sacrifice (79v); David and Goliath, with David Fleeing Saul from Michol's Window and Saul's Coronation of David (84); Procession of St. Gregory, with the Three Living and Three Dead (99v); Dying Man Receiving His Last Communion, with a Burial (108).