A bunch of keys : where they were found and what they might have unlocked : a Christmas book / edited by T. Hood.
Record ID:
Accession number:
GSC 111507
A bunch of keys : where they were found and what they might have unlocked : a Christmas book / edited by T. Hood.
London : Groombridge, 1865.
The bunch of keys-the ring / by Thomas W. Robertson -- The key of the piano / by Thomas Archer -- The key of the strong room / by W.S. Gilbert -- The key of the nursery cupboard / by Thomas Hood -- The key of the study / by William J. Prowse -- Three keys on a small ring of their own / by Clement W. Scott -- The end / by Thomas W. Robertson.
From the library of Reginald Allen.
Associated names:
Hood, Tom, 1835-1874, editor.
Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911.
Allen, Reginald, former owner.
Music Collection: