Manuscript fragments from a papyrus codex life of St. Pachomius; written in Egypt.
Amh. Copt. Pap. 25 was edited and translated into English by Crum. Edited (1933) and translated into French (1943) by Lefort. Partly translated into English by Veilleux (1980).
Lefort (1913; 1933, IV; 1943, LXIII-LVI) reordered the fragments according to contents, as follows: fragments 32, 1-3, 8, 4-6, 7, 31, 9, 14-30. Fragments 1-2 are successive leaves, as are fragments 8, 4-6, in that order.
Written area ca. 234 x 203 mm. Divisions: (20)v b: decorative mark (?) in margin at end of section; (12)v: ekthesis, enlarged initial, and paragraphus sign (zeta-shaped coronis) setting off paragraph; (17)r: zeta-shaped coronis (or ?diple); ekthesis and slightly enlarged initial setting off paragraphs (only a few instances preserved).
Script: Upright. 10 lines = ca. 93 mm
Superlineation: Connective? Punctuation: Raised dot in conjunction with a space. Tremas.
Collation: ? No remains of signatures, quire ornaments, monograms, headlines or catchwords.
Decoration: page numbers with horizontal rule below, extended letter.