Year is from Besterman.
Part of a large collection of letters from Madame du Châtelet to Charles Augustin de Ferriol, comte d'Argental. Items in the collection are described in separate records; see MA 1565 for more information.
Saying that Voltaire is feverish and thence that she did not show him the comte d'Argental's letter because finding out about Rousseau's return and Desfontaines's lampoon would be too upsetting. Telling him about Lamare's pathetic attitude towards Voltaire. Wishing that Lamare's L'Envieux would not get published, and asking the comte d'Argental to inform her whether he has presented it to actors. Requesting that he use his authority to retrieve the original manuscript from Lamare. Reporting that Voltaire has corrected his epistles (including L'homme and Le plaisir) and will be sending them to Praut [Prault]. Deploring the fact that the Dutch printers go their own way and threaten Voltaire with new lampoons, asking him to intervene.