Date is from Besterman.
Part of a large collection of letters from Madame du Châtelet to Charles Augustin de Ferriol, comte d'Argental. Items in the collection are described in separate records; see MA 1565 for more information.
Inquiring whether he received her packet. Noting that she went to Amsterdam with Voltaire for the publication of his philosophical essay, hoping it would first be published in Paris (even if Voltaire needs remove his controversial chapter on metaphysics). Wanting to save Voltaire in spite of himself. Doubting that the prince of Prussia (Frederick II) can keep Voltaire's manuscript a secret, wishing that Voltaire would not send it to him, and referring to her own conflict of interest with Frederick II. Saying that Voltaire puts her happiness in jeopardy with his careless actions, and beseeching him to tell Voltaire about the risks he incurs.