Pollard and Redgrave speculate authorship by Thomas Norton, Thomas Sampson, or Francis Walsingham (See ESTC S122002).
Presenting the English viewpoint opposing the marriage of Mary Queen of Scots and Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk. The match is dubbed "dangerous" because it poses a threat to the "safetie of o[u]r sou[er]aigne [Queen Elizabeth I]," and no match should "call in question, whether her ma[ies]tie may governe or not gou[er]ne in her owne Realme." Subdivided into sections "A consideration of the Q[uene] of Scott[es] p[er]son," "The considerac[i]on of the Dukes p[er]son," "A considerac[i]on of the matche," "A considerac[i]on of the p[re]sent state," "A discourse vpon the presen[t] consideracions," "now lett vs see what dowbt growith by this match of the abvse of the seid qualities," and "A Comparation betwene the home match [and] the forrayne".