A choice collection of experemental receipts for pickling, cookery, &c. : manuscript, [1784].

Record ID: 
Accession number: 
MA 3339
Gregg, Amy, 18th cent.
Gift of Mrs. F. Trubee Davison, 1978.
1 item (154 p.), bound ; 22 cm

Page numbers given in the contents note are from the contemporary pagination, which does not number the title page or table of contents. Contemporary pagination ends on p. 126.
Title page reads: "A choice collection of experemental receipts for pickling, cookery, &c., written and transcribed for Mrs. Amy Gregg, Gent."


A cookbook giving over 100 recipes, including numerous pickling, pudding, pie, and baked good recipes, as well as many medicinal and one cosmetic recipe. Recipes include: "To pickle Flowers," "To pickle Asparagus," "To make Almond Pudding," "To make a Lamb Pye," "To make Savoury Balls," "To Stew Carp," "To make a Calves Head Hash," "To make Jelly of Cream," "To make a Seed Cake Mrs. Lun's way," "To make a Floating Island," "To make Cakes," etc. Medicinal recipes include "Receipt for a Cold," "Lozenges for a Cough," and "Dr. Radcliff's Bitter Drink." The cosmetic recipe included is "Mrs. Sara Hughe's way to Make Pomatum for the Face." Pages 120-155 written in another hand. Recipes in this other hand are primarily medicinal, and cosmetic recipes, such as "To Strengthen ye parts of a wooman after liying in," "To make red Cordiall for the Gout from Mr. Coulston," "Paste for the hands," "For the Rheumatism," "A Remedy for Worms," "Tooth Powder," "To Make Cherry Brandy," "A Receipt for Small Beer, Lord Gainsborough's," "Diet Drink," and "To make a Cold Cream not as good as Mrs. F...'s," as well as instructions "To feed Turkeys" and a record of the "Quantity of Milk Punch made July 2d 1784."

Tan cloth with red leather label.
Bookplate of Harry Pomeroy Davison; gift of Ms. F. Trubee Davison, 1978.