Book of Hours

Accession number: 
MS W.6
Book of Hours
France, ca. 1500.
Late 17th-early 18th-century red morocco janséniste binding with Augsburg brocade paper endleaves, signed Jeremias Wolff (A. Haemmerle, Buntpapier, 1961, no. 471a).
Gift of Julia Parker Wightman, April, 1993.
134 leaves (1 column, 28 lines), bound : vellum, ill. ; 160 x 102 mm.
Name of former owner (?): PHILLIPES L[']HO[M]ME inscribed on a banner beneath the devotional figure of Christ on fol. 3; purchased by Julia Parker Wightman from Harry A. Levinson, Beverly Hills, CA, in November/December 1952; JPW 1591; given in April, 1993.

Ms. book of hours, use of Meaux (Hours of the Virgin) and Paris (Calendar, Office of the Dead); written and illuminated in France, ca. 1500.
Texts: in principio (fol. 7); prayer said upon rising (fol. 7v); prayer to Jesus (fol. 8); Bede's prayer on the seven last words of Christ (fol. 11); prayer of St. Augustine (fol. 12v); confession (fol. 13); various prayers (fol. 14); Obsecro te (fol. 16); Stabat mater (fol. 17); prayer to the Virgin (fol. 18); Prayer of St. Bernard (fol. 19v); prayer to the Virgin, prayer of Pope Innocent VIII (fol. 20); Prayer to the Trinity (fol. 21); prayer of St. Augustine (fol. 21v); prayer to a guardian angel (fol. 24); prayer to all angels (fol. 25); suffrage to all apostles, suffrage to all martyrs , (fol. 25v); suffrage to all holy confessors (fol. 26); suffrage to John the Evangelist, prayer to Peter and Paul (fol. 26v); suffrage to Paul Doctor (fol. 27); prayer to Philip and James, prayer to James (fol. 28); prayer to all saints (fol. 28v); prayer to Anne (fol. 29v); prayer to the Holy Spirit (fol. 31); The Passion according to John (fols. 32-38); Hours of the Virgin - Matins (fol. 39); Lauds (fol. 52); Matins of the Cross (fol. 59); Matins of the Holy Spirit (fol. 60); Hours of the Virgin - Prime (fol. 61); Terce (fol. 65); Sext (fol. 68); Vespers (fol. 74); Compline (fol. 78); Penitential Psalms (fol. 83); litany (fol. 89v); Office of the Dead (fol. 92); Prayer for all souls: in commemoratione animarum (fol. 111); Variations for the Hours of the Virgin (fol. 126); Hours of St. Stephen (fol. 130).
Decoration: 13 large miniatures, 1 small miniature, numerous illuminated initials, illuminated borders.
