Ms. Le pèlerinage de la vie humaine; written and illuminated in France, dated 1348.
Texts: Pèlerinage de la vie humaine in French (fols. 1-98v) followed by two glosses in Latin on the Pater Noster (fols. 99-101v) and the Ave Maria (fols. 102-103).
This manuscript contains the first recension of the text written in 1330 and is the earliest known dated copy of the Pèlerinage de la vie humaine; dated in the colophon on folio 99r: Explicit le pelerinage de vie humaine/Qui fut escript en la sepmaine/Mil troiz cenz quarante & huit/Pour enseignier humain cuer unit/Lendemain de la trinite/En juing qui est a mois deste.
Decoration: 110 grisaille miniatures touched with yellow, brown, and violet.
Artist: the same artist collaborated in the illustration of another Pèlerinage de vie humaine (Munich, Stadtsbibliothek, MS Cod. Gall 30) and in a Bible moralisé (Paris, Bibliothèqe nationale, MS français 167); François Avril suggests a northern, possibly Flemish, origin.
Revised: 2015
Pèlerinage de vie humaine