Ms. Gospel book; written and illuminated at the monastery of San Benedetto in Polirone, Italy, at the end of the 11th century.
Includes the Liber vitae of the monastery of San Benedetto in Polirone (fol. 102-106); this Liber vitae was commissioned by Abbot Wilhelmus (abbot 1080-1099), or his successor as abbot, to honor Matilda, Countess of Tuscany (Contessa Matilde di Canossa); Pope Urban II; Hugh, abbot of Cluny; and members of the Gonzaga family (fol. 102-103v). It includes a document dated Apr. 8, 1109 and issued by the Abbot Albericus (abbot 1099-1123) commemorating the obligation of San Benedetto in Polirone to the countess and to Arduino della Palude (Arduino da Palude), her captain (fol. 104v-105) and a closing testimonial by Abbot Henricus to Aurio Dandali (fol. 106)--Cf. PPM files.
Decoration: 6 full-page and 6 smaller miniatures, 4 incipit pages, 7 canon tables.