Title from incipit (leaf a2r).
Imprint from colophon (leaf x5r): Commentariorum de bello Gallico, civili Pompeiano: Alexandrino Hispaniensi: et Africo liber ultimus finit: quos Michael Manzolinus Parmensis liberariorum solertissimus suo sumptu fieri curavit. Tarvisii anno gratiae .MCCCCLXXX. pridie Kalendas Quintilis.
Printed in Manzolus's type 2:83R.
Signatures: a-u⁸/⁶ x⁶; A-B⁸ C⁶: 168 leaves, leaf a1 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
Edited by Hieronymus Bononius.
Text includes portion of De bello Gallico by Aulus Hirtius and other works variously ascribed to Caesar, Hirtius, or C. Oppius; index of Marlianus also inclucded.
"Reprinted, often with the same page-contents, from the edition of Zarotus, Milan, 1477 (IB.25973), with the omission of the dedicatory letter of Philelphus and the addition of the letter and verses by Bononius and of head-lines and marginal summaries. The last sentence of the De bello Hispaniensi is left fragmentary"--BM 15th cent.
44 lines and head-line. Printed marginalia. Capital spaces.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 28.5 x 19.8 cm.
G. Julii Caesaris Commentariorum de bello Gallico liber primus-[septimus]
Hand decoration: Northeastern France, illuminated initial with Budé's armorial and foliate border (leaf a2r); rubricated with red and blue puzzle initials, red paragraph marks, and yellow capital fill. Annotations: No marginal notations in text. Contemporary drawings, pen trials, and inscriptions on pastedowns.