Title from incipit (leaf [1]/2r).
Imprint from colophon (leaf [7]/11r, reads in full): "Hunc libellum Emilianus de Orfinis Fulginas & Ioannes Numeister theutunicus eiusq[ue] sotii feliciter impresserunt Fulginei in domo eiusde[m] Emiliani anno domini Millesimoquadringe[n]tesimoseptuagesimo feliciter."
Printed in Neumeister and Orsinis's type 1:124R.
Collation: [1¹² 2-6¹⁰ 7¹²]: 74 leaves, leaves [1]/1 and [7]/12 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio and Royal quarto.
An abridged and rearranged translation (GW: "Kurze Bearbeitung") of Procopius, History of the wars, books 5-8, in which Bruni claims full authorship without reference to Procopius. For a detailed account of its composition, see G. Ianziti, "Writing from Procopius: Leonardo Bruni's De bello Italico", in Rinascimento 37 (1 January 1997), pages 3-27.
At least five variants are known of the colophon, one giving the correct name "Orfinis Fulginas". See GW 5600, note 1 (not included in the abridged online version of the entry as of February 2017); the other forms are "Orsinis Fulginas" (given in GW's transcription as if the correct form), "Orfinis Eulginas", "Ursinis Fulginas", and "Ursinis Eulginas".
29 lines, 180 x 120 mm. Capital spaces with guide letters.
First book printed in Foligno.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 28 x 20 cm.
Leonardo Aretini De bello Italico adversus Gothos
Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized, red ruling lines and early foliation. Annotations: Contemporary manuscript notations quoting historical sources on the Gothic wars (leaf [1]/1v).