Title from title-page, leaf A1r: [E., J. and G. de Marnef's device] Hore ad usum romanum.
Imprint from colophon, leaf l8r: Ces presentes heures a lusaige de rome furent achevees a Paris par Jehan morand: le xii. iour de feburier. Lan mil CCCC .iiiixx. et xii. pour Joffroy de marnef libraire demoura[n]t audit lieu en la gra[n]t saint Jaques a lenseigne du pellican.
Printed in Maurand's types 2:100G and 6:63G.
Signatures: A, Aa, B, a-l⁸: 112 leaves.
Paper format: Median octavo.
Almanac for years 1492-1508, leaf A1r.
Woodcuts and metalcuts. Many of the border cuts are signed (letters or roman numerals) for textual organization.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 17.8 x 12 cm.
Title in ISTC: Horae: ad usum Romanum.
Hand decoration: Contemporary rubrication, red initials, paragraph marks, and capital strokes. Illustrations hand-colored in pale yellow, brown, and red wash. Annotations: Contemporary Latin inscription: "[de do]mo David et nomen virginis Maria et ingressus angelus" (leaf Aa7r) and prayer: "Spes sempiterne deus que [???] creasti ex nichilo tibi me [???] die ac nocte animarum mea et coprus..." (leaf l8v).