Collation: [1¹⁰(+10*: -ma[e]ssenlichen zorn) 2-5¹⁰ 6-7⁸; 8-12¹⁰ 13⁸; 14¹⁰ 15¹²]: 145 leaves. Alternate collations in GW and BSB-Ink.
Dated by BSB-Ink. Goff dates about 1478.
Incipit of Brendan, Legende (leaf [14]/10r): Hÿe hebt sich an sant Brandons bůch was er wunders erfaren hat.
Incipit of Schildberger, Reisebuch (leaf [8]/1r): Hÿe vahet an der Schildtberger der vil wunders erfaren hat in der heydenschafft und in d[er] Türckeÿ.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 26.5 x 20 cm, many leaves with deckel edge.
PML has Historie Herzog Ernsts von Bayern only.
Printed in Sorg's type 2:118G.
Title from incipit (leaf [1]/2r): Hienach volget ein hübsche liebliche Historie eines edlen fürsten Herczog Ernst von Bairen und von O[e]sterreych.
Historie Herzog Ernsts von Bayern
Hand decoration: Rubrication not required, woodcuts uncolored. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.