Title from ISTC.
Imprint from colophon, leaf L5v: Fine del comento di Christophoro Landinio Fiorentino sopra la Comedia di Danthe poeta excellentissimo. Et impresso in Bressa per Boninvm de Boninis di Ragvxi a di vltimo di Mazo .M.CCCC.LXXXVII.
Printed in Boninus de Boninis types 3:112R and 4:82R.
Signatures: &⁸; a-i⁸ K⁶ l-r⁸; aa-mm⁸ nn⁴; A⁶ B⁸ C-L⁶: 310 leaves, leaf L6 blank.
Paper format: Median folio.
68 woodcuts, with repititions.
Variant setting of sheets h1 and l4 noted by Sheppard in Bodleian copies.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 34.4 x 23.5 cm.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: L6 (blank). Variant setting/reprint of leaf f3.6 and hh2.7 in gothic type, see Giancarlo Petrella, "Dante in tipografia. Errori, omissioni e varianti nell'edizione Brescia, Bonino Bonini, 1487," La Bibliofilía 115 (2013): 167-95.
Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized. Annotations: Contemporary marginal notations, in two hands, sporadically throughout.