Le coustumier des pays daniou et du maine.

Accession number: 
PML 79747.1
Imprimees a Paris : [Etienne Jehannot?, for Jean Alexandre and Charles de Bougne at Angers], le .iiii. iour de Frevier. lan mil quatre cens quatre vingtz. [et] .xviii [4 February 1498/99].
[1], i-Ciii, [10] (folio 29 repeated for 30 foliated 29, 102 for 101) ; 13.5 cm. (8vo)
Credit Line: 
Purchased on the Harper Fund, 1988.

Title from title-page, leaf a1r: [Alexandre and Bougne's device (Polain, Marques, 3)] Le coustumier des pays daniou et du maine nouvelleme[n]t imprime a paris avec quesles ordonna[n]ces royaulx. Et en trouveresa Angiersa la chaussee sai[n]t piere ches Jehan alexandre libraire dudit lieu.
Imprint from ISTC and title-page. Date from colophon, leaf o9v: Cy finist la table des coustumiers da[n]iou et du maine imprimees a Paris le .iiii. iour de Frevier. lan mil quatre cens quatre vingtz. [et] .xviii.
Printed in Jehannot's type 4:84G and 2:65G.
Signatures: a-n⁸ o¹⁰: 114 leaves, leaf o10 blank.
Paper format: Chancery octavo.
Dated at end of text, leaf o1r: Clolatio facta est cu[m] registro actu[n] in parlamento sedecima die nove[m]bris. Anno milesimo.cccc.nonagesimo tertio [16 Nov. 1493].
Capital spaces, some with guide letters.
Woodcut border, leaf a2r.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 13 x 9 cm.

Modern full brown calf over paper boards (13.5 x 9.5 cm.), sewn on 3 supports. Plain paper pastedowns and endleaves; decorative endbands; red edges.

Hand decoration: Contemporary rubrication, red initials and paragraph marks. Annotations: Contemporary marginal notations and headlines.

Unidentified inscription, in rubricator's red: "J [??] Le x amore" (leaf a1r of Coutumes) and "Scelera scriptori de[us] anser cu[m] ... [???]" (leaf o9v of Coutumes); C. Chrestien, signature, 15th/16th century (leaf a1r of Coutumes); unidentified bookseller's notes, signed FW (rear pastedown); Philip Robinson (of William H. Robinson, booksellers); his sale, Sotheby's London, part I, 23 June 1988, lot 10; Pierpont Morgan Library, purchased from Sotheby's on the Harper Fund, June 1988.