Title and imprint from colophon, leaf G3r: Finisse le legende de sancti composte per el reuere[n]dissimo padre fratre Iacobo de Voragine del ordine de fratri predicatori arciuescouo de Genoua. Traducte de latino i[n] lingua uulgare p[er] le uenerabile messer don Nicholao de manerbi ueneto del ordine de camaldulense abbate de mo[n]asterio de sancto Mathia de Mura[n]o stampare in Venetia per Matheo di Codecha da Parma. Nel anno dela natiuita del nostro Signor Mcccclxxxxii. A di .xvi. di Mazo. Laus deo. [followed by register and printer's mark]
Printed in Capcasa's type 80
Signatures: a-z & A-F⁸ G⁴: 244 leaves, leaves a1 and G4 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
Translated by Niccolò Malermi.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 31.6 x 21.5 cm. NNPM
PML copy missing 5 leaves: a1 and G1-4. NNPM
Legendario di Sancti
Hand decoration: Rubrication not required. Annotations: Contemporary marginal notations in Italian, in several hands, sporadically throughout text. Drawing/doodle of a box containing a severed head, leg, hand, and a few other objects (front pastedown). NNPM