Title from half-title page (leaf a1r).
Imprint from colophon (leaf z6r): Venetiis: per Lazarum Isoarda de Saviliano. M.cccc.lxxxxii. die .xii. Decembris.
Printed in Soardis's types 2:104R (text), 3:81R (preface and commentary), and 4:150G (half-title).
Signatures: a⁸ b-z⁶: 140 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery folio
Commentator's preface (leaf a2r) with heading: Gellius Bernardinus Marmita Parmiensis eminentissimo ac humanissimo D.D. Guielmo de Rupeforti magno cancellario Franciae S.D.
"The line 'Cum priuilegio ... ' on leaf z6r has been added with a stamp after printing off; it does not appear in all copies. Reprinted from the edition of Lambillon and Saracenus, Lyons, 1491 (IB.420033)"--BM 15th cent.
Register follows colophon.
60 lines of commentary surrounding the text. Capital spaces with guide letters. Catchwords. Printer's device.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 30.7 x 20.5 cm.
PML copy without "cum privilegio" stamp and with quires x and y transposed.
Tragediae Senecae
Hand decoration: Rubrication not realized. Annotations: 1 contemporary interlinear correction (leaf y4r) with a few other minor marginal notations, mainly NB marks.