Title from incipit (leaf [1]/1r): Hic Incipit Tractatus qui Intitulatur Infancia salvatoris.
Printed in Caxton's type 2:135B.
Dated from type and paper evidence.
Collation: [1⁸ 2¹⁰]: 18 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery quarto, in half sheets
PML copy leaf dimensions: 20.5 x 14 cm.
PML copy was originally part 13 of a Sammelband: manuscript headline, "liber xiii;" remainder of Sammelband unidentified/unknown. Leaf [2]/10 with section of fore edge torn away, repaired.
Infantia Salvatoris
Hand decoration: Rubricated, red lombard and headlines. Annotations: Minimal underlining and marginal notations in text; 16th-/17th-century inscription, illegible (leaf [2]/10v).