Title and imprint from incipit (leaf a1r): Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Noion. fure[n]t achevez le viii. iour de Aoust. Lan Mil .CCCC. iiiixx.et. x viii. pour Simon vostre. Librarire: demourant a Paris a la rue neuve nostre dame. a lenseigne sainct Jehan levangeliste.
Printed in Pigouchet's types 2:64G, 3:80G, and 4:130G.
Collation: a-d⁸ e⁶ f-l⁸: 86 leaves.
Paper format: undetermined
PML copy on vellum.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 17.8 x 11.2 cm.
PML copy is only known copy (according to ISTC, Sept. 2016).
Horae: ad usum Noviomensem (Noyon)
Hand decoration: Painted initials and alternating red/blue lombards, yellow capital strokes; metalcut illustrations with some details painted. Annotations: Dates in Almanac (leaf a1v) updated for 1527-1532.