Fratris Baptiste Mantuani Carmelite Theologi atq[ue] poete celeberrimi opus insigne, vitam et martiriu[m] sancte Catharine virginis martirisq[ue] co[m]plectens, nuperq[uem] emnedate impressum.

Accession number: 
PML 127962.3
Baptista, Mantuanus, 1448-1516.
Impressu[m] Pictauis : p[er] M[agister] J[ean] Bouyer et M[agister] G[uillaume] Boucher, Anno salutis M.Quinge[n]tesimo. Die xxiii Mensis Septembris [23 September 1500].
[48] leaves ; 19.5 cm (4to)
Credit Line: 
Purchased on the Henry S. Morgan Fund, 1997.

Title from title page, leaf aa1r.
Imprint from colophon, leaf gg8r: Impressu[m] Pictauis p[er] M[agister] J[ean] Bouyer et M[agister] G[uillaume] Boucher. Anno salutis M.Quinge[n]tesimo. Die xxiii Mensis Septembris. Francisci Cereti Parmensis Juris Pontificii Scholaris Studiosissimi in Invidum lectorem Carmen.
Printed in Bouyet's type 11:76G, leaded (except for colophon) and 12:55G. In the same type and layout as Liber ad Fredericum, with which it was bound in the only copy known.
Signatures: aa-bb⁸ cc-ff⁶ gg⁸: 48 leaves. Leaf A3 signed A2.
Printer's mark, leaf aa1r.
Printed marginalia.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 18.5 x 13.8 cm.
PML copy missing 2 leaves: aa2.7.

Modern laced limp parchment (19.5 x 14.5 cm.), sewn on 4 supports by Deborah Evetts. Plain paper pastedowns and endleaves. Previous (19th/20th-century, Spanish?) stiff vellum binding preserved in box.
Variant Title: 

Parthenice secunda sive Catharinaria


Hand decoration: Rubrication not required. Annotations: A few 16th/17th-century marginal notations throughout, in 2 southern French/Spanish hands (perhaps 1 hand found in all 4 parts of Sammelband) and foliation. A few pen trials.

Nicholaus Legost, inscription, 16th century (leaf C6v of Bucolica); Dorothy Sloan (Austin, TX), auction 4 (1997), lot 10; Pierpont Morgan Library, purchased from Sloan (via E.K. Schreiber) on the Henry S. Morgan Fund, April 1997.