Title from half-title page, leaf a1r.
Imprint from colophon, leaf g4v: Migençant la divina gracia fonch stampat lo present tractat enla insigna ciutat d[e] Gerona per Johan de valdes esturiano. Fon acabat en lany de nostre senyor Mil.cccclxxxxvii. a .viiii. de No[v]e[m]bre.
Printed in Valdes types 1:99G and 2:136G.
Signatures: a-f⁸ g⁴: 52 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery quarto
Translated by Francisco de San Clemente (Francesc de Santcliment).
1 column, 29 lines. Printed initials, but some spaces blank with printed guide letters.
Woodcut on half-title page (leaf a1r) and printed initials.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 16.5 x 12.2 cm., trimmed.
Title in ISTC: Flors de virtuts e de costums
Hand decoration: Printed initials and capital letters colored in yellow, unprinted initials unrealized. Annotations: Later marginal notations (leaves f4r and 5v); prayer "Jesus Maria Josep vullaunos ajudar ara y en totes," 17th/18th century (rear fly leaf).