Evagatoriu[m] Benemy.

Accession number: 
PML 22497
Colonie : Retro Minores impressus, .M.cccc.xcix. Nono me[n]sis Nouembris [9 November 1499].
[188] leaves : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 14 cm (8vo)
Credit Line: 
Purchased in 1924.

Title from half-title page, leaf Aa1r.
The title is recorded as Evagatorium Genemy by all authorities except Sack, who argues that the letter recorded as G is in fact B. On the Orationes devotissimae, see Sack.
Imprint from colophons, 1) leaf A4r: Et in hoc initur Modus predicandi p[er]utilis Anno natalitij .M.cccc.xcix. Nono me[n]sis Nouembris die Colonie retro Minores Impressus; and 2) leaf P4v: Finiu[n]t sermones eximij sacre theologie doctoris Michaelis de Hu[n]garia... Impressi Colonie retro minores Anno dominici natalicij .M.cccc.xcix. Die .xi. Octobris.
Printed in the Retro Minores types: 1:150G, 2:110G, 3:80G, and 4:63G.
Signatures: Aa⁸ A⁴ B⁸ C⁴ D⁸ [E]⁴; ²A-L⁸ M⁴ N-O⁸ P⁴; a-b⁴ c-d⁸ e-f⁴ g⁸: 188 leaves. Quires [E] missigned D.
Paper format: Chancery quarto.
3 illustrations from 2 woodcuts: St. Anne with the Virgin Mary and Christ Child (repeated once) and Crucifixion.
Goff identified the Passio domini Jesu Christi secundum quattuor evangelia as a separate work (P-130).
For the arrangement of the contents by quires, see Oates.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 13.2 x 9.5 cm.

Late 19th/early 20th-century plain, laced vellum over paper boards (14 x 10.5 cm), sewn on 4 supports. Plain paper pastedowns and endleaves; decorative endbands.
Variant Title: 

Checklist title: Evagatorium Genemy


Hand decoration: Rubrication not realized. Annotations: Minimal contemporary Latin notations sporadically through text. Contemporary German inscription of the Marian rosary prayer: "Begroyst systu maria volgenaden der herr syβ myt dyr..." as well as inscr

Pierpont Morgan Library, purchased from Hiersemann, Dec. 1924.