
Accession number: 
PML 27411
Gritsch, Johannes.
[Ulm] : per Johannem Zeiner de Rütlingen, .lxxv. die vero vicesimo octobris [20 October 1475].
[271] leaves ; 41.5 cm (fol.)
Credit Line: 
Purchased in 1930.

According to Verfasserlexikon 2, Bd 3 col 291ff, the author is Conradus Gritsch (Sack(Freiburg)).
Title from ISTC.
Imprint from colophon, leaf [29]/9v: Explicit quadragesimale trip[er]titu religiosi viri magistri Ioh[ann]is gritsch d[e] Basilea p[ro]fessoris sacre theologie eximij. Impressum [et] [con]tinuatu[m] cum dei adiutorio p[er] Iohanne[m] zeiner de Rütlingen Anno [etc] .lxxv. die v[er]o vicesimo octobris.
Printed in Zainer's type 1:116G.
Collation: [1¹⁰ 2-3⁸; 4-7¹⁰ 8¹²; 9-10¹⁰ 11⁸ 12¹⁰ 13-14⁸; 15-16¹⁰ 17⁸ 18¹⁰ 19⁸ 20⁶(4+1: "profundo desp[er]ationis"); 21-22¹⁰ 23⁸ 24¹⁰ 25⁸ 26¹⁰; 27-29¹⁰]: 271 leaves, leaves [1]/1 and [29]/10 blank.
Paper format: Royal folio.
Woodcut initials.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 39.7 x 27 cm.
PML copy missing 2 leaves: [1]/1 and [29]/10 (blanks).

15th-century Austrian blind-stamped calf over wooden boards (41.5 x 28.5 cm), sewn on 4 supports by the Vienna Dominican monastery (EBDB w002390, active 1453-1486, also known as Wien Dominikanerkloster, Sancta Maria Rotunda and Wien Predigerkloster); repaired. Renewed plain paper peastedowns and front endleaf. 2 clasps and 5 bosses per board, missing. Metal pieces (squre knobs) on bottom edges. Illegible title label and shelf mark label.

Hand decoration: Rubrication not required. Woodcuts not colored. Annotations: Some contemporary notations sporadically throughout (primarily near beginning), including a dated reading note from 1496: "Do[min]ica 4ta q[ua]drage[sime] idest letar[e] 1496" (leaf 13/8v). Contemporary Arabic numeral quire signatures at bottom-center of first leaves, mostly trimmed.

Vienna, Dominicans, inscription: "Iste liber e[st] [con]ve[n]t[us] Wienn[iensis] fr[atru]m p[re]dicatoru[m] in austria," 15th century (leaves [4]/1r, [15]/1r, [29]/7v, and rear pastedown), and in a later hand: "Nouiciatus Viennensis" (leaf [4]/1r); Pierpont Morgan Library, purchased from Gilhofer & Ranschburg, April 1930.