Title from incipit, leaf [1]/1v.
Imprint from colophon, leaf : Immensas omni pote[n]ti deo patri. et filio. et spiritui sancto. glorioseq[ue] genitrici v[ir]gini marie gratiaru[m] referimus actiones. qui hoc op[us] moraliu[m] beati gregorij pape in xxxv. libros distinctu[m]. imp[re]ssoria arte feliciter dedit nuremberge co[n]su[m]mari. Anno d[omi]ni .M°. cccc°. lxxi°. die vndecima mensis septembris. Da gloriam deo.
Printed in Sensenschmidt's types 1:114G and 2:98G.
Collation: [1-3¹⁰ 4¹² 5-10¹⁰ 11¹² 12-23¹⁰ 24-25⁸ 26-33¹⁰ 34¹² 35-37¹⁰ 38-39¹² 40¹⁰]: 406 leaves, leaf [39]/1 blank. Variant collation in tabula [39¹⁰ 40¹²], when the blank leaf is bound around final quire.
Paper format: Royal folio.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 41.5 x 29 cm.
Expositio in Job
Hand decoration: Contemporary rubrication, red initials, rubrics, headlines (with graphite guides), paragraph marks, and capital strokes. Rubrics and initials with cadell flourishes, primary initials in red and green with extensive penwork and foliate decoration. Annotations: Contemporary and later marginal notations in first few quires only, including textual corrections, readers' marks, and marginal numbering. Inscription: "De patrocinio Mariae V.D. Ex Eva fit Ave, plane est conversio simplex. Quos Eva occidit, vinere facit Ave," 17th century (leaf [5]/6v). Unidentified inscription, abraded (leaf [1]/2r). Alpha-numeric manuscript quire signatures at bottom center margins.